Manipura ~ Solar Plexus ~ Yellow

Element: fire
Colours: yellow
Sense: sight, form and colour
Mantra: RAM

Location: situated at the level of the umbilicus corresponding to the gastric or solar plexus

Deals with: sense of belonging, mental understanding of emotions, defines self-esteem, personal power, stamina, thought, will, success, ego

Governs: upper abdomen, gallbladder, liver, middle spine, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, stomach

Physical Dysfunctions: diabetes, pancreatitis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon diseases, stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, anorexia/bulimia, low blood pressure

Psychological and Emotional Issues: lack of self-esteem, timid, depression, issues with self image and fear of rejection, inability to make decisions, judgmental, perfectionism, anger, rage, hostility

Balanced Chakra: energetic, confident, intelligent, decisive, productive, good digestion, mental focus

Postures that Balance Chakra: Heat building poses like Sun Salutation (Suryanamaskar) and Warrior (Virabhadrasana), backbends like Bow (Dhanurasana), twists like Half Twist (Ardha Matsyendhrasana), and abdominal strengtheners like Boat Pose (Navasana)

Related Gemstones: Amber, Citrine, Jasper, Golden Topaz, Yellow Tourmaline

Related Essential Oils: Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender , Golden Yarrow, Peppermint, Rosemary

1 thought on “Manipura ~ Solar Plexus ~ Yellow

  1. Pingback: The Light Side: Unleash Your Writing Potential (Manipura) | Writer Block

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